Source code for imputena.deletion.delete_listwise

import pandas as pd

[docs]def delete_listwise(data=None, threshold=None, inplace=False): """Performs listwise deletion on the data: Drops any rows that contain missing values. If a threshold is given, the function drops those rows which have less non-NA values. If the operation should only affect certain columns, user delete_pairwise instead. :param data: The data on which to perform the listwise deletion of missing values. :type data: pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame :param threshold: If the data is a DataFrame, require that many non-NA values :type threshold: int, optional :param inplace: If True, do operation inplace and return None. :type inplace: bool, default False :return: The series or dataframe with all rows containing NA eliminated, or None if inplace=True. :rtype: pandas.Series, pandas.DataFrame, or None :raises: TypeError, ValueError """ # Check that data is a Series or Dataframe: if not (isinstance(data, pd.Series) or isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame)): raise TypeError('The data has to be a Series or DataFrame.') # If a threshold is given while data is a Series, raise a ValueError: if isinstance(data, pd.Series) and threshold is not None: raise ValueError('A threshold can only be given if the data is a ' 'DataFrame.') # kwargs for dropna: kwargs = {} # Add threshold to dropna kwargs: if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): kwargs['thresh'] = threshold # Apply the listwise deletion and return the result, or None if inplace: if inplace: data.dropna(inplace=True, **kwargs) return None else: return data.dropna(**kwargs)